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12 Min

PetPurry - Amazon FBA Beispiel

In diesem Blogartikel erklären wir die Gründe, wesshalb wir uns für den FBA Versand der PetPurry Produkte entschieden haben.

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Amazon: Selling as a Service

Unser Angebot, Ihre Produkte auf Amazon zu verkaufen, ist ein umfassender Service, der darauf abzielt, Ihre Marke zu stärken und Ihre Umsätze zu maximieren.
9 Min

Altes CI vs. Neues CI

Aus Alt wird Neu... Wir bei Kaiserberg haben unserem Erscheinungsbild einen neuen Look verpasst!
4 Min

Made in China

In today's blog post, we would like to talk about the values and conditions under which we as a company produce in China.
9 Min

Product order

In this blog post, we give you tips and tricks on how you can optimize the ordering process and save time and money in the process.
14 Min

Test product samples

The quality of a product is crucial to the success of a company
8 Min

Product sample - what is it actually?

What does the term sample actually mean? We explain it!
8 Min

Amazon FBA - What does that actually mean?

What does Amazon FBA actually mean? We explain it!
6 Min

Amazon FBA - What does that actually mean?

What does Amazon FBA actually mean? We explain it!
6 Min

The work breakdown structure

A work breakdown structure (WBS), sometimes also referred to as a work breakdown structure, is nothing more than the organization of a project into its individual elements.
14 Min


Incoterms - explained in detail!
12 Min

White-Label vs. Private-Label

The so-called white label is a product or service that is not offered under the company's own brand.
13 Min


In today's blog post, we're writing about merch. What is it actually, what can be sold as merch and how do you get your own merch?
11 Min

Introducing a product to the Chinese market Part 4

Today's article on "How to introduce a product from the Chinese market?"
7 Min

Introducing a product to the Chinese market Part 3

Today we are taking you on the third and penultimate part of our market launch journey.
11 Min

Introducing a product to the Chinese market Part 2

Today we are taking you on the second part of our market launch journey. As explained in the first article, we are currently launching a product from the Chinese market in Germany.
9 Min

Introducing a product to the Chinese market Part 1

You will accompany us on the way to introducing a new product from China to the German market. More precisely, we will show you step by step how we proceed.
9 Min

Finding the right Chinese trading partner

Is it really a producer or not? How does the production company work in China? How reliable is the new business partner?
10 Min

How the Ukraine conflict is influencing trade with China

The war in Ukraine led to major difficulties in the area of transportation.
11 Min

Zero-Covid in China

Even 2 years after the start of the corona pandemic, the virus is still having a major impact on our lives, especially the regulations and restrictions.
7 Min

Common mistakes in product procurement

Every project has its own unique requirements and difficulties, but there are a few general aspects that are very important for the success of procurement.
13 Min

Fact check Alibaba

In general, Alibaba is a good place to get an overview of producers in China. However, caution is also advised on Alibaba!
14 Min

How do I protect my product from imitations?

A patent is an industrial property right that prohibits others from using a certain invention. A patent is a fairly technical property right that protects objects or processes.
12 Min

The new Supply Chain Act from 2023

Supply Chain Act: This could lead to problems for German companies that also operate in other countries, as human rights are not respected in all countries.
8 Min

CE marking for products from China

In China in particular, a false CE certification is often used, which is called "China Export" and can be recognized by a smaller distance between the C and E symbols.
9 Min

Articles from Wirtschaft Regional about Kaiserberg

Kaiserberg - Specialist for China as a business partner
8 Min

What are the advantages of producing in China?

Why produce in a country so far away when you can do it right on your doorstep?
8 Min

The right choice of tool

To manufacture products, producers always need the right tool for the product in question.
14 Min

Do's & Don'ts when making inquiries to a sourcing agency

There is a lot of information about what you need when working with a sourcing agency, as well as in our blog post about preparing for product sourcing.
11 Min

Kaiserberg - a large network even as a start-up

Kaiserberg sees itself as a start-up, as it is still a very young company with a young and freshly assembled team. Nevertheless, we have a broad network and many experts.
10 Min

Preparations for product sourcing

We are often asked what information we need about the product in order to find a suitable manufacturer in China. The answer is actually quite simple...
9 Min

Customs duties on imports from China to the EU

If you want to import goods from China to Germany or another EU country, you have to deal with the issue of customs. You can find out everything you need to know in this article.
12 Min

Product liability, guarantee & warranty

If an accident occurs due to a faulty product, the question of liability often arises. Is the manufacturer, the retailer or perhaps even the customer responsible?
16 Min

The distribution of German products in China

German companies and products enjoy a very special reputation in China and are considered to be of very high quality. Nevertheless, it is not always so easy to successfully sell a product on the Chinese market.
8 Min

Sea freight, air freight & rail transport

There are different ways of transporting your products, both for export and import. The individual types all have their advantages and disadvantages.
10 Min

Before you find a wholesaler

In the following article, we explain which points you should pay attention to beforehand to ensure a secure and successful transaction with the mostly Chinese suppliers.
11 Min

Strategies for the supplier search

Are you having problems finding suitable suppliers or retaining existing ones? Many companies find themselves in the difficult situation of having to locate suppliers, which can be laborious
14 Min

Sourcing agencies & trading platforms

There are many different ways to find a producer in China. In addition to working with a sourcing agency, the major Chinese trading platforms are the best-known options.
14 Min

The tasks of an import-export company

What exactly does an export import company stand for and what tasks does such a company perform?
13 Min

The advantages of a sourcing agency

Would you like to know why companies often use procurement agencies? We would like to explain the advantages for you and your company of working with a procurement agency.
12 Min

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